seeing not just looking

Being out in nature can be amazing, and the experience is always changing. The seasons, the weather, your mood, or perhaps a thought or memory, can each alter your perception. But to really kickstart your awareness, carrying a camera is a really useful tool which can help you perceive the world afresh with a tourist’s eye.

conscious perception

Be active in the looking. Framing a shot, or simply thinking about what might make an interesting image can be enough. You’ll start noticing the light, the detail, the context. Colours and texture take on new dimensions. It takes a gentle amount of energy and you’ll find yourself slowing. Things. Down.

Taking time to focus on the small things can help you get a fresh perspective on the big stuff

You’ll discover the exotic in the familiar and reboot your assumptions about things you thought you knew. If you are always on the hunt for the exciting, you might just realise this is all around you, if only you care to see not just look.

Check out the Setup page to see what kit and approach has been used to achieve these images.